
Koul Alim avatar image
Koul Alim asked

Can I connect 4 independent solar arrays to the MPPT RS 450/200?


I would like to have some clarification about internal details of MPPT RS 450/200.

MPPT RS 450/200 has 4 MPPT trackers in it.
Does it mean that 4 independent PV arrays can be connected?

mppt rs
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2 Answers
jbakuwel avatar image
jbakuwel answered ·

Hi @Koul Alim

4 Trackers indeed means 4 independent arrays.


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donroberto avatar image
donroberto answered ·

only to make it clear, can 4 different PV modules be used? Is this possible?


String 1 = Vicron Module / 2 KwP

String 2 = China module / 3 KwP

String 3 = heckert module / 2 KwP

String 4 = bifacial module / 4 KwP

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shaneyake avatar image shaneyake commented ·
Yes, if you stay within voltage and current limits for the tracker.
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