
jbarrell avatar image
jbarrell asked

Turn on a load at float

I have Multiplus 2 x2, Cerbo GX, 2x MPPT and BMV712 in my system. I want to turn on an AC electrical load once the system goes into float.

I have the AC relay etc sorted so just need to trigger it.

I already use the generator output on the Cerbo for the generator. It looks like you cant turn off a loan at a lower SOC than you turn it on with the BMV712.

Any ideas how I can do this?

Thanks in advance.


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1 Answer
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @jbarrell

I'm not aware of any direct way of doing this, but I think you might find it problematic in any case, especially with a load large enough to actually cause a rebulk.

It seems you've looked at doing it with SOC (and perhaps chosen float as an alternative). The BMV relay functionality can be inverted, so don't write that off. And you also have Assistants in the Multis that can be set up similarly. The Multis too can be set to use SOC from the BMV, so you have a couple of options with SOC.

I find even with pb batts that entry into float is closely related to SOC, and SOC won't of course vary as quickly as float status. This may be important if you don't want the load switching incessantly (and unnecessarily).

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