
kuucity avatar image
kuucity asked

DVCC error #48

Could the DVCC error #48 damage the battery of cause any issue to the inverter? I have just noticed that the firmware of the inverter is on 200 version and it is connected with a fronius grid tied system. Please advise

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If your system does not meet all the dvcc requirements, it should not be enabled. But if you do have Pylontec it gets forced on.

We do need more detailed information on your system to be able to help further.

Usually we would say update all the components, reprogram and try again. But only try this if you know how to set up with the fronius.

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kuucity avatar image kuucity commented ·
@Alexandra, Thank you for your response. I shall get another 400 version of the quattro control PCB as stated in the DVCC manual.
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