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captbligh asked

Orion-TR DC-DC Isolated DC-DC charger wiring question

I recently purchased an Orion-tr isolated DC-DC charger on Amazon, and the seller does not respond to tech support questions, so I am posting here since VE does not appear to offer support either...

I would like to have the DC-DC charger active ONLY when the engine is running (it is being used to charge the thruster battery from the house battery when underway, but each have their own charger when on shore power.) To that end, I have connected an ignition switched + wire to the H terminal, but the charger charges no matter if the engine is on or off, and regardless of the engine detection setting in Victron Connect. OK, so I then removed the jumper between H and L and added a switch between L and - per the manual. Now it does not charge at all, regardless of switch position or ignition state, and in Victron Connect it shows no voltage connected at the thruster (destination). Of course, I have verified that the wiring is all sound and per the super-tiny print in the diagrams in the manual.

It seems that the jumper between LH is the only way to make it charge, and the switched + to H from the ignition does nothing at all. This means that it will charge from the house battery when the house is being charged from the inverter when on shore power, which adds an unnecessary load to the inverter when the thrusters have their own shore power charger.

Anybody have any insights here?


I also find it curious that the manual shows different connection points for - or ground, even though CE and ABYC recommend that all grounds be connected to a common bus to even though the manual shows connection to the different battery ground leads, they are all electrically equivalent.

orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
captbligh avatar image
captbligh answered ·

I did a bit more digging, and guess what? The printed manual that come with the device, marked "version: 05, Date: July 21, 2020" has opposite pins utilized in wiring diagrams "b)" and "c)", in comparison to the version of the manual available from VE online, which is marked "Rev 05 1/2021."

The H and L pins are also not marked on my device at all, but it differs from the one shown in that the H and L pins (sockets, actually) are recessed in the bottom and the access to the screws is through holes in the case.

I tried re-versing the wires, and I got the result I was looking for, but that means that what is show in the manual in each diagram as "L H" is actually "H L" as viewed from the front of the device. It would be really helpful if the pins were actually labelled on the device (duh.)

Seems like some serious quality control issues in the documentation department!

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