
bricki avatar image
bricki asked

Multiplus 24/3000 weaker than Phoenix 24/3000??

Hi everybody,

I changed in my camper car the older Phoenix 24/3000 to a multiplus 24/3000 (works better with a LFP battery).

No my washing machine (Electrolux EWC 1350) doesn‘t work anymore. Most times when the washing machine starts to spin, it stops and try to start spinning again and again. When I‘m connected to shore power, everything works well.

Any idea how to check where the error is? Measuring the voltage for some drop outs? Biut what if I find some? Is there a way to fix it?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Is the MultiPlus showing any errors? Is the MultiPlus shutting down or is just the washing machine stopping? Can you switch back to the Phoenix for testing?

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bricki avatar image
bricki answered ·

Hi Matthias,

thanks for your quick answer. No, the Multiplus isn‘t showing any error. It‘s just the washing machine, who shows a millisecond flickering LED status light, but to short to „forget“ the washing program.

Unfortunately I‘ve sold my old phoenix so have no chance to switch back. But I know that we have used the washing machine while under battery power.



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