
Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer asked

Multiplus 12/3000/50-120: V-Sense and voltage drop

I am thinking about to add a V-Sense at my Multi, but have a question concerning that:

There is a low voltage shutdown defined in VEconfigure for the multi. In case of a connected and well functioning V-Sense between multi and (directly) to the battery poles (incl. inline fuse):
Will this low voltage shutdown (i.e. because of a significant voltage drop at heavy load) be triggered by the V-Sense measurements or still by the measurements from the main battery input of the multi?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

Voltage sense (compensation) is probably more relevant regarding battery charging, where you really dont want your battery to be undercharged or overcharged..

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Dosheimer avatar image
Dosheimer answered ·

thanks for that. Nevertheless I would like to know which is the trigger source for that low voltage cutoff (V-sense or main battery input). Reason is I would like to know if I shall calculate voltage drop on the cables into the low voltage cutoff in the multiplus settings or not.

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