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My mppt 100/50 will not turn on when pv starts to produce

My charger is connected to a blue tooth dongle and when the charger is to com on line it give the blue and red light solid which indicates that there is a communication error n controller does not turn on. After cycling the PV and battery breakers it comes on line n operates normally. Even disconnect dongle n use another and same result. Is there any one that can give some insight on this problem .firmware 1.37

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

Possible issue is that the PV voltage is not high enough above battery voltage and when you turn it off and on you get a pv O/C spike that goes high enough to switch it on.

so if you have two panels that are 18 volt OC each try connecting them in Series and see how you go

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narrow avatar image narrow commented ·

I had that problem four months ago. Updated both dingle n charger. Solved the problem until it came back. Previously up graded firm Ware to 1.39 for charger. Trying to do another up grade to version 1.41

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