
sailingolli avatar image
sailingolli asked

Two Multiplus 3000... does it require two Digital Multicontrol Panels? or is one sufficient?


We recently purchased two Multiplus 12/3000 and the Victron reseller quoted for two Digital Multicontrol Panels. Do we need the two digital multicontrol panels, or is there a switch on the panel to switch between each connected Multiplus?


Digital Multi Control
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Depends on what you want to do with the two Multis, how you connect them together and/or how you configure them.

If they run together in parallel or split-phase you need only one DMC because both are working together and always have to run together.

If you what to install them to run individually (AC output not connected together) you need two DMC.

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2 |3000

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sailingolli avatar image sailingolli commented ·
As we're running them on a boat with only one bank of batteries, we will run them in parallel. So, only need the one! :) thanks.
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