
ju avatar image
ju asked

BBB Venus SPI port

Hi, someone managed to get
SPI port 1 available on beaglebone venus os?
I don't understand if we just need to add the spi driver (dtb/dts?) and what is the procedure.
Or it is mandatory recompile venus image.

Venus OS
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3 Answers
Mike Dorsett avatar image
Mike Dorsett answered ·

I've managed to do this with the Raspberry pi (as have some others)...

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ju avatar image
ju answered ·
Yes, raspberry can be used directly with SPI, but prefer bbb in this case.
For now, I think test read venus info from the dbus with an arduino on BBB debug serial port and drive SPI screen.
Start work for BBB, no courage to remake with RPI.

dsc-0492.jpg (3.2 MiB)
dsc-0470.jpg (2.7 MiB)
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ju avatar image
ju answered ·

You're managed both RPI and BBB or only RPI alone ?

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Mike Dorsett avatar image Mike Dorsett commented ·

Sorry just the R-pi, I've only recently been aware of the BB range. R-pi is slightly cheaper looking at the RRP's.

However, I have integrated a complete BMS system using the R-pi, using the SPI to interface to the BMS chips. This has been tested up to Venus 2.72, 2.8 has moved to python3, but in doing so has dropped a few drivers that I use. The SPI driver however has been added to the opkg list, so integrating that is quite easy. Have a look at the louis van der Walt serial battery thread / project for more details.

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