So, my system uses a Raspberry Pi 3B+ to which is connected one MK3 and three PL2303 converters for VE.Direct connections to a BMV, a SmartShunt and a small phoenix inverter. Everything has been running smoothly for a few weeks. Today I started getting "not connected" in the console and failures to read modbus info from the small inverter. I checked the cable, tried changing the converter, same issue, but when I connect the USB directly to a windows computer I get connected fine with VictronConnect.
While testing I saw other VE.Direct units failing to connect intermittently so I suspected the Raspi itself. The dmesg messages warned about low voltage detected, so I switched to another power supply. After booting up the disconnections continued but with other info in dmesg as following:
pl2303 ttyUSB3: usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32
This is what continuously repeats as the ttyUSB3 keeps disconnecting for 10 seconds, then get connected for 10 seconds and on and on. Same message for the other ports when they disconnect. But now when I pulled out the ttyUSB3 converter from the Raspi, the rest of them seems to stay mostly connected, but dropping out maybe for a couple of seconds every two or three minutes, generating the same message in dmesg.
What is strange is that it worked fine for weeks, there are no hardware changes made between all working and this problem state. I did restart the system about a week before the problems started and that's just about it. I'm thinking about buying another Raspi just to see if it might be a hardware issue.
Anybody have any idea what can be the problem? I would really want to connect all devices at the same time to have my system working as designed...