
mountainclan avatar image
mountainclan asked

Quattro 48v 10k 230V/50hz and 120/240 60hz AVR generator for AC input ?

I would like to know if a 120/240 60hz generator can be used as the AC input (for charging) for my Quattro 48V/10K/230V/50Hz that is set to output 240V/60hz AC
If this is possible, how about some recommendations for a generator that will get along well with the Quattro. I wont need a large genny as our power requirements are fairly low, and this unit would be used only to charge the 225Ah Lithium battery bank during long dark weather.

Also this system is Off Grid. The only AC input will be the Generator. DC input is from our solar arrays.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Trevor Bird avatar image
Trevor Bird answered ·

Hello, yes a generator can be used to charge those batteries. Simply put the generator input to the input 2 on the Quattro. Perhaps you could set the auto generator start facility so when the batteries get low the generator can start automatically and charge them up. That saves having to monitor the system to check the batteries don’t go flat.

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