
greeneagleking avatar image
greeneagleking asked

Solar Controller for a WW2 DC Generator?

Hi all,

I'm looking to use a solar charge controller on an old WW2 generator to charge 12v batteries.

Currently, the generator produces 250watt 115v DC depending upon the RPM of the generator.

The batteries are 2x 6v batteries connected in parallel (12v).

The curveball is the batteries run a 12v motor which pulls anything from 100-200amps (yes I know quite high, I'm working on reducing that).

  • The question is can I use a Solar Charge Controller of around 20amp charge output which has an input from the DC generator of up to 115v?
  • Will the high current draw on the batteries damage the controller when it outputs the charge from the generator?

Thanks for the help!


MPPT Controllersbattery chargingGenerator
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1 Answer
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I don't think you'll get a conclusive answer.

What would worry me is how clean then output from the generator is. If it has voltage spikes I'd guess it will kill the controller.

On the current side, probably ok. Charge controllers are self limiting.

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