
hksjza70 avatar image
hksjza70 asked

Smart Solar MPPT 75/15 on/off?

Hello Community,

I am figuring out my 12V solar system and plan to use a MPPT 75/15. My camper is parked in a garage for a few weeks at a time and I have all loads disconnected from the battery when in storage.

I'd like to fully turn off (not just the charging, but completely off so there is no draw either) the MPPT when the camper is in storage. Is that possible via the built in features on the MPPT?

If not, would I use the VE.Direct non inverting remote on/off cable? I can't exactly tell if the remote cable could just be connected to a 12V switch?

Thanks in advance

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


In the technical specifications the mppt is shown to draw 12V: 20mA / 24V: 10mA in self consumption. I have one measured this it is on point. To be dead honest you battery will self discharge as well. So even if you totally remove everything off your battery terminals you will still have to have it top up occasionally depending on how long in storage.

The one lithium was in van for over a year with nothing connected, top up charge was 5AH due to self discharge (lead acid is higher self discharge).

You can switch it off in software if it is the smart one through victron connect. Or you can get a 12v ip65 and have it connected to mains and have it maintain the batts as there is a storage option.

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