
rainer avatar image
rainer asked

Fuses on the DC bus

I have seen in the manual for Lynx power in that it is recommended by Victron to add fuses for the batteries, the MPPT and the Multiplus.

My DC bus has batteries attached with fuses, but I did not plan to use fuses for the MPPTs and the Multiplus 2. The Multiplus 2 has a peak power of 18000W, which yields a peak current of 375A with 48V. The Multiplus 2 has output short circuit protection and the batteries which could create higher peak current are already protected with separate fuses, therefore I believe that there is no need to have a fuse for the Multiplus 2. The MPPTs have also output short circuit protection, therefore I believe that there is also no need for extra fuses. Is it reasonable not to use fuses for the Multiplus 2 and the MPPTs?

fusesdc system
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The fusing is for the cables not to protect the equipment.

It is true the fusing is not needed.... Until it is needed.

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