
bramo0 avatar image
bramo0 asked

Can the inverter RS smart solar work without battery ?


My question is can the rs smart solar 48v/6000 invert power from the solar panels to the grid without a battery pack connected ?

second question, how does this device know if your house needs power or it needs to store the energy in the battery or sell power to grid ?(gx device with current clamp ?)

kind regards bram

MPPT SmartSolarsolarinverter rs
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


No the RS needs a battery for reference it is not an AC PV inverter. It is an off grid inverter so cannot feed back to the grid or even charge off the grid.

The internal software works out what is needed after being programmed according to user requirements/parameters. The solar or the battery will supply loads.

So in short it will do what it is programmed to do by the installer.

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Related Resources

Inverter RS Product page.

Inverter RS Online Manual.

Inverter RS Datasheet.

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MPPT product page

VictronConnect manual


MPPT calculator

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