
nb-meganc avatar image
nb-meganc asked

How to turn on search mode?

I would like to put my 12/3000/120 Multiplus inverter charger into search mode. The handbook says this can be done using free software and a computer, but it also states that 'Settings may only be changed by a qualified electrical engineer' and warns that the program is not designed to be used by owners/users. This sounds a bit scary, like I risk really messing things up if I try and do it myself. Can anyone advise?

VEConfigure 3
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

You also need a MK3 Interface to connect to the MultiPlus.

Yes, if you start to randomly changing settings without knowing what they do you can mess up and/or damage the MultiPlus and/or other connected devices.

Enabling AES is just to check a box.

Once connected you can also check if the charger settings suit your battery and adjust the low voltage cut-off.

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nb-meganc avatar image nb-meganc commented ·
That's great - thank you. In my handbook it says;

'Instead of AES mode, the search mode can also be chosen'

Would this just be a simple check-box also?

Many thanks

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ nb-meganc commented ·

You can use a demo mode in VE.config to see what you can do.

1631881245279.pngVictronConnect also have a demo library.


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1631881245279.png (46.1 KiB)
1631881410543.png (121.7 KiB)
pau1phi11ips avatar image
pau1phi11ips answered ·

You can also update the settings via VRM if you have the Multiplus connected to Venus device like the Cerbo, Color Control GX or a Raspberry Pi with Venus installed and a Canbus interface.

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