
Daniel avatar image
Daniel asked

Can I turn off the GX Part in Multi?

I'd like to use a Cerbo GX with a Multiplus II GX, I've not tried yet, just thought I'd ask before trying / looking for a board inside labelled GX or changing all settings to external control.

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

The easiest would be to just buy a non-GX MultiPlus and a Cerbo GX.

But you also can open up the MultiPlus GX an disconnect the the power supply and VE.bus from the GX PCB.

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Daniel avatar image
Daniel answered ·

Perfect Thanks Matt, Customer is upgrading to a 10kVa Multiplus II (When in stock) and wants his Cerbo GX and touch screen all working etc ready. Then his friend is having his old 3000 GX.

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