
lordgothington avatar image
lordgothington asked

Testing Orion-Tr Smart DC-DC Charger (Isolated) on the lab bench?


I'd like to use the Orion-Tr Smart 12/12-30 (isolated) to charge a LiFePO4 battery in my SUV. I'd like to test that the setup is working before I wire everything up in the car. Can I just hook up a 12V, 500W power supply to simulate the alternator?

One concern is the engine detection algorithm. I think I would either need to use a power supply with an output voltage above 13.3V, or change Shutdown/Restart Levels on the Orion-Tr to values lower than what the power supply outputs.

Are there other concerns I am missing?


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
Bob K avatar image
Bob K answered ·

Do you have all of the wire already or other wire you can use temporarily? If so, I'd recommend just setting up a temporary connection to your vehicle alternator/battery and lithium battery outside the front of the SUV. That way you can check and monitor exactly how your particular smart alternator behaves.

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