
mike-thornton avatar image
mike-thornton asked

Orion non-isolated 12-12-30 - fickers on and off charge

Hi there,

My Orion non-isolated 12-12-30 is newly fitted (3 weeks ago) and supplied by Energy Solutions in Kent-UK.

I have a problem with my Orion, it's never worked properly.

It fickers on and off charge When well below 80% battery charge. I have made a quick 1minute video to demonstrate what's happening.

Can anyone advise a possible problem/solution? @Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff)

Here is the 1min video on youtube :

Thanks loads,

Kind Regards


orion-tr smart
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I suspect that you have a Euro 6 alternator. These don't output charge current all of the time, so the battery Voltage fluctuates more regularly. The Orion uses the start battery Voltage to detect if the engine is running or not. A higher Voltage assumes the engine is running so it startes charging and a lower Voltage it assumes the engine has been turned off and stops charging.

You might need to tailor the setting for "Engine Shutdown Detection" to get it to work correctly.
The settings shown below are for a standard alternator, perhaps slightly lower "Start Voltage" and "Delayed start Voltage" than whatever is set up on your unit now.
Don't make the"Shutdown Voltage" too low otherwise it may not shut down and deplete the start battery without the engine running.


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mike-thornton avatar image mike-thornton commented ·
Thanks loads, very useful:):)
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