
binderth avatar image
binderth asked

running Venus OS in docker on a raspberry Pi?

I was wondering if it is possible to run Venus OS in a docker on raspberry pi?

Use case is, that I'd like to not only have my Venus running on my pi in my RV, but also some other stuff, which is reliant on a pure rasbian OS? So basically I'd like to have two separate docker containers running on one raspberry pi. one of which runs Venus OS, the other runs whatever I like (in my case openHAB)

Venus OS
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3 Answers
dgarwood avatar image
dgarwood answered ·

I'm also looking to do this, being able to run the Venus OS in a docker container on a Raspberry Pi.

Have there been any efforts to make a docker image of the venus OS itself? If so, where might there be notes? If not, can a docker image be built if using the source code for Venus?

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alaskannoob avatar image
alaskannoob answered ·

I'd also be interested in this. I'd like to set up a Pi to be my Remote Console with a touchscreen, but I want the Pi to also log MQTT messages and act as a server. If I load VenusOS would I be able to do all of that? If not, perhaps Docker would allow it?

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ehedman55 avatar image
ehedman55 answered ·

RPI4 Venus OS docker

Perhaps someone else have done it but I needed a docker solution for Venus on my RPI4 to live alongside with my own marine applications, so I have begun to work on it.

The link does not seems to be inserted, but google on ehedman github to find all my marine projects.

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