
runlusa avatar image
runlusa asked

DC coupled Multiplus - Grid-Feed configuration/hardware requirements?

I have two systems; multiplus 24/3000/70 and 48/3000/35 (2013) both with Outback Classic. Now I like to feed the excess energy back to the grid. What do I need to put after the Victronplus to make this work. Must me simple and low cost!

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargergrid
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2 Answers
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

It depends on what your units are capable of doing, and this depends on which processor/firmware is in these units. If the processor has a firmware loaded at the moment which is 26xxyyzz or higher you could simply update the firmware and have options/functions to do what you want as far as feeding PV power into the grid. If this firmware is older (so also you have an older processor this might be not possible at all)

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runlusa avatar image runlusa commented ·

MR. Boonstra, thank you so much for you answer.

Firmware installed is;

24/3000/70 = 2612150.VFD this one can be upgrade to the newest... which one?

48/3000/35 = 1922143.HEX - same large chip as the 24/3000/70... which update can be done?

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1922143.jpeg (249.6 KiB)
2612150.jpeg (264.2 KiB)
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Is it Outback Flexmax or Midnite Classic?

You need a Venus GX (cheapest option) for each Multiplus system to allow feed in. You also need to figure out how to make the charge controller talk to the Venus GX. These are not Victron products so you'll have to figure this out for yourself. The VenusOS is open source, so it is possible if you are prepared to do some software development work (maybe not simple).
Midnite Classic has MODBUS-TCP and MODBUS-RTU. I don't know about Outback.

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runlusa avatar image runlusa commented ·

WKirby, Thank you for your answer.

After doing a bit more research and the answer of Mr. Boonstra, I think that I am on the right path.

Charging of batteries fully done with the outback flexmax on one and the midnight classic on the other

No need for the Venus GX. Systems are not connected - both stand-alone systems

But must use an Anti-islanding relay for protection.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ runlusa commented ·

Excellent, I'm glad you have the answer you need.

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