
crankshaw avatar image
crankshaw asked

Do any Blue Smart chargers read battery temp from my BMV-712?

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2 Answers
gyzko avatar image
gyzko answered ·

My understanding it is only the 2nd revision of the IP22 is "VE.Smart Networking" capable. However, I don't own one yet and being able to see it working myself. Maybe a Christmas gift from myself to myself...

Here why I believe only that one is working

1) One guy make sit working here:

2) Look at the small notes at the end of datasheet of the IP22

The VE.Smart Network feature is enabled on all IP22 chargers with serial number HQ2024xxxxx and later

3) I have a related question to IP22 in regard to "VE.Smart Networking" capability. As a Victron staff answered to my question, I take it for granted the "VE.Smart Networking" on the 2nd revision of the IP22 is a real thing.

Obviously, you will need the dedicated temperature sensor cable for the BMV-712. You can look at the datasheet of the BMV-712

If you buy your IP22 before I buy mine... let me know how it works!


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crankshaw avatar image
crankshaw answered ·

Thanks for the info. I missed that in my search. And I will update you if and when I get an IP22.

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