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Feedback Needed For Solar System Design


Hello everyone,
am trying to design my solar system as a DIY project,
after lots of research, this is how it turned out. I hope i can get feedback on whether i have made any mistakes.
I am particularly concerned because some fuses and circuit breaker calculations are different than what is suggested in the EasySolar GX II manual.

EasySolar All-in-One
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2 Answers
taylortops avatar image
taylortops answered ·

Almost exactly what I'm running, and it's working well. Your 60A output breaker seems a bit high. Can you really add them, I wasn't aware? Would 25A be better suited for a max of 5500W rated? I'd also suggest 1 x RCBO per downstream circuit (if you're planning multiple). You could also combine your battery fuse and battery iso with a breaker. Nice drawing too, what are you using?

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I also say that the 60A breaker is to big.
The 3kVA Multi has 2,4kW continuous power at 25°C that is around 10A.
As long as the grid is connected the Multi will not use it's peak power (or only rarely).
Also a breaker can handle more than it's rated amps for a short time.
So 32A+10A = 43A for the breaker.
The breaker at AC OUT 2 should be 32A or less because the relay that switches AC OUT 2 ON/OFF is only rated for 32A.

I would not recommend to use lead batteries now-days.

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